Sunday, January 17, 2010

What Did We Wear...

Last night we watched the season premiere of Project Runway (again) and we did a quick- change for each commercial break. If you're asking why, omc has been doing it for each season premiere, and she introduced this tradition to atd. There really is no reason besides the fact that its fun.

omc's outfits:

atd's outfits:

atd's 7 year old sister's Stella McCartney for gap kids outfit that we're jealous of:

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Hi I'm omc and this is atd we aren't going to tell you are to avoid stalkers and/or confrontations from our friends. Also we don't want to be sued for one reason or another.
This blog: fashion, fashion, fashion.
We're talking major.

Why it's called Behind the Uniform.
We go to a school that is lacking in any sort of style. Everything from the fact that we wear uniforms to the fact that the people at our school are unfashionable.
Our uniform really sucks. It includes:
white polo shirts, navy bottoms, tan jewelry. so basically we go to a army academy where they only allow us to wear suede earrings.

omc's fashion sense is classic sophisticated with a girly touch, but has horrible spelling so atd has to spell check everything.

atd is well versed in everything fashion from vintage to modern. But to atd, fashion could also mean violence like when she got her steel toe doc. martens and kicked someone because they were doing a bad dr.phil impersonation. she also likes to slap omc.

refer to everyone you know!